Compatibility Quiz: Is Your Partner Your Soulmate?

By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: 5 months ago
If you are here for this Compatibility quiz, you already have a significant other and would love to find out whether you are perfect together or meh, right? Maybe, you are here just for fun? There is also an option to find out whether your friend would be your perfect other half! No matter why you are here, you need love in your life and treasure it more than others.

Deep down, you already know the answer to the question. This test is just a means to show you your relationship from a third-party perspective and highlight your own opinion of the relationship. A person always feels when they meet the right person. Even if we let them go, they stay in our hearts for a long time. And when you are with them, your heart fills with something warm and cozy. If you feel that to your current partner, you truly love them. No, it’s time to find out whether they feel the same in this quiz for couples.

Even though I mention “for couples,” there is no need to take it together with your partner beside you. You can answer all these questions on your own if you know your s.o. well enough. And if you can’t answer some of them, you get great tips for your next relationship discussion or a regular conversation.

Love or Passion?

Sometimes, people confuse true love with passion. The latter burns brightly but may just as quickly burn your connection to ashes. Sometimes, passion transforms into love in time. In most cases, it dies down slowly and irrevocably.
Compatibility Quiz

But is love possible without passion? Platonic? Sure? Romantic? Not so much. There are many people in our lives who we value and love platonically. Passion is absent, but the genuine connection remains. Even your soulmate may be a spiritual one if you believe in them at all.

For romantic feelings, passion is the fuel. It takes a supporting role but should be there anyway.
I believe that passion and love go hand in hand and should coexist. A genuine deep relationship is lacking without any of them. As a result, the strongest and deepest phase of relationships is when both are in balance.

What Makes Us Compatible

There are so many things that could determine whether a couple is perfect together or not. Starting from the sexual appeal to the deeper emotional responses, we all follow a set of our own beliefs and rules. Accordingly, our partner has to share them or, at least, understand.

compatibility test
Our characters are a significant player here. Some of us are incompatible together on the fundamental levels.

But even with all the natural factors in mind, no relationship will work if people don’t work on them. Love is a beautiful feeling, but it requires compromises, time, and effort.
And we are ready to check how well you operate together in this compatibility test, right?

Compatibility Quiz: Is Your Partner Your Soulmate? Questions

compatibility quiz When planning a vacation, who chooses the destination?
  • we take turns

  • one of us usually comes with most ideas

  • we discuss our desired destinations and compromise

compatibility quiz When you want to try something new and exciting, does your partner support you?
  • yes!

  • they may even try it with me

  • it depends on what exactly I want to try

  • I doubt they'll support me in most cases

compatibility quiz How often do you spend time with your friends without your partner?
  • regularly

  • when we have time, we are often busy

  • rarely, when they are working mostly

  • never, we have to always be together

  • we have common friends mostly, so there is no such option

compatibility quiz When one starts to act foolish and looney, does the other join the fun?
  • no, the other would be skeptical and think it's crazy

  • usually yes, with some exceptions

  • always!

couples quiz Are 100% sure your other half will not cheat?
  • I can't be 100% sure, everyone has a potential to cheat

  • I'm afraid they will cheat

  • I suspect I may be the cheater in the future

  • I'm sure they are loyal, just like I am

compatibility quiz Do you have the same plans for when to have kids?
  • we both don't want kids

  • yes, we both agree on when to start planning a family

  • we haven't talked about that yet

  • no, we have different opinions on that rigth now

compatibility quiz How similar are your sexual preferences?
  • practically identical

  • very similar, we find compromises for the rest

  • we have certain problems with sharing intimate thoughts and desires with each other

  • rather different, our sexual life is not very satisfactory

compatibility quiz Do you feel that your partner takes you for granted?
  • no, they are very loving and considerate

  • yes, I lack attention from them and don't feel loved

  • they do okay, but I may need to work on the relationship more

compatibility quiz Have you ever taken a compatibility test together?
  • yes, the result was good

  • yes, but the result was not great

  • no

  • they are not interested in such tests

couples quiz Would you change anything in your partner?
  • yes, lots of things

  • something minor, but I love them anyway

  • no, they are perfect

couple quiz If you have a sexual fantasy but unsure how your partner would react, would you tell them?
  • no way, they may think I'm strange

  • I'll drop hints instead

  • yes, I will tell them

couple quiz Do you always know where your partner is?
  • yes, I always know that

  • my partner always knows where I am instead

  • I never know where they are

  • we both know each other's location

  • not always, but most of the time

compatibility quiz Are you happy in your current relationship?
  • absolutely

  • there are ups and downs, but generally yes

  • far from it

couple quiz Do you have the same hobbies?
  • no

  • some of them 

  • yes

compatibility quiz When you fight, who apologizes first?
  • I do

  • my partner

  • the one who's wrong

  • we never really apologize, the fight just calms down

ouples quiz How often do you tell each other "I love you"?
  • very often

  • regularly

  • I wish we'd tell it more

  • only one of us is open about their feelings

  • we are not there yet

  • rarely, but we both know that without words

compatibility quiz Do you have your own traditions with your partner?
  • sure, lots of big and small traditioins

  • a few for something major

  • not that I can think of

compatibility quiz Do you have inner jokes?
  • yes

  • no

compatibility quiz Does any of you criticize the other in front of other people?
  • just something minor in a teasing manner

  • never

  • yes, often

  • mostly one of us does that

compatibility quiz Do you think that you have the same love language?
  • what is a love language?

  • yes, the same

  • not the same, but we understand each other's needs

  • no, they are different

couples quiz Do you often think about your ex partners?
  • almost never

  • rarely

  • rather often

  • often, but that is because we are friends

compatibility quiz Do you cook or do house chores together?
  • yes

  • no, only one of us mostly does that

  • we share chores, but do them according to our schedules

compatibility quiz At the end of a day spent separately, do you ask each other about work, school, or other news?
  • yes, every day

  • only when we meet

  • no, we talk/do some other stuff

compatibility quiz Which of these thoughts is the most frequent for you?
  • I'm happy we are together

  • at least I'm not single

  • they are good for me

  • do we have future together?

love quiz What is the main purpose of your relationship?
  • love

  • fun 

  • not to feel lonely 

  • material gains 

About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!