Which "Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story" Character Are You?

By: Ana Rinkevich
Created: 6 months ago
If you’ve been captivated by the chilling true-crime story of Lyle and Erik Menendez, then this quiz is just for you! The Menendez brothers' saga, as depicted in "Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story," delves into the complex and darkly fascinating world of these infamous siblings. This quiz will let you explore which character from this gripping series you are most like.

"Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story" offers a deep dive into the psychological and emotional turmoil that led to one of the most sensational trials in American history. Each character in the series brings their own unique perspective, from the brothers themselves to the lawyers, family members, and investigators who were all part of this tragic narrative. 

The quiz will match you with the character whose personality traits, decision-making processes, and emotional complexities align most closely with yours.

Are you someone who stands up fiercely for what you believe in, even when the odds are against you? Perhaps you’ll find yourself most aligned with Lyle Menendez, who is portrayed as the elder brother with a strong sense of protection over his family. 

Or maybe you’re more like Erik Menendez, whose deep-seated emotions and struggles with guilt and loyalty are central to his character. There’s also the possibility that you resonate with the more analytical minds in the series, such as the legal figures who navigate the murky waters of truth and justice.

This quiz is not just about which character you are most like; it’s an exploration of how you might react in similar high-pressure, emotionally charged situations. Whether you see yourself as a protector, a strategist, or someone caught in a web of complicated emotions, this quiz will reveal a deeper connection to the story and characters of the Menendez brothers’ tale.

So, get ready to step into the shoes of these compelling characters and discover which one you relate to the most. Your answers might surprise you!

About Ana

Ana Rinkevich

Hi, quiz lovers! I'm Ana, and I can't imagine my morning coffee without scrolling new quizzes. So I started writing them. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." I'm sure that curiosity is our most powerful tool to learn the world around us and inside us. And quizzes are the most curious way to learn a bit of everything. So don't waste your time. Pick a quiz, and let's find out your today's score!