Am I Fat? Healthy Lifestyle Quiz

How often do you work out?

Am I fat test
several times a week
several times a month but not regularly
I don't work out regularly or often

Do you track your daily steps?

Am I fat test
rarely, just on occasion

How any step do you have daily?

Am I fat test
not counting
under 2k

How much scientific knowledge do you have about nutrition?

Am I fat test
probably 0
just a tiny bit
I have some knowledge
not all, obviously, but pretty much for a regular person

Do you have diagnosed diabetes?

Am I fat test
not diagnosed but I suspect it

Do you suffer from joint pain?

Am I fat test

Do you ever feel tired even on the rest days?

Am I fat test
yes, often
just sometimes
almost never

Are you a sweaty person?

Am I fat test
only when working out

Is your digestive health in god condition?

Am I fat test
yes, I rarely have issues
not really, I sometimes have unpleasant symptoms
no, it's really terrible

Are you a frequent dieter?

Am I fat test

Can you do a pushup?

Am I fat test
yes, multiple!
only on my knees

Do you check your health regularly with professionals?

Am I fat test

When you go shopping, you

Am I fat test
struggle to find your size
struggle to find your size still on racks (it's rather popular)
don't have such difficulties

Are you satisfied with your weight?

Am I fat test

Do you feel comfortable on the beach?

Am I fat test
not comfortable at all
yes, I feel okay
somewhere in the middle

Have you ever worked out with weights?

Am I fat test

Are you familiar with the notion of food binging?

Am I fat test
familiar? this is the way I live!
sadly, yes
sure, but I binge very rarely
not really

Do you often search for quizzes on this topic?

Am I fat test

After a whole night of partying with junk food, I

Am I fat test
prefer to work out and eat healthy the next day
eat nothing next day
just eat more junk food the first thing in the morning tbh

How often do you weigh yourself?

Am I fat test
every day
several time a week
several times a month
very rarely

Do you consider yourself fat?

Am I fat test
just a bit

About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!