The Classic Character Alignment Quiz

By: Denis Priesnov
Created: about 1 year ago
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There are two types of alignment charts. The basic one is 3*3 and offers nine types:
  • Lawful Good
  • Neutral Good
  • Chaotic Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • True Neutral
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Lawful Evil
  • Neutral Evil
  • Chaotic Evil
The advanced chart of 5*5, which means it creates 25 character types: 
  • Lawful Good
  • Social Good 
  • Neutral Good
  • Rebel Good 
  • Chaotic Good
  • Lawful Moral 
  • Social Moral
  • Neutral Moral
  • Rebel Moral 
  • Chaotic Moral
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Social Neutral
  • True Neutral
  • Rebel Neutral
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Lawful Impure
  • Social Impure
  • True Impure
  • Rebel Impure
  • Chaotic Impure
  • Lawful Evil
  • Social Evil 
  • Neutral Evil
  • Rebel Evil 
  • Chaotic Evil
Both Character Alignment charts are used when playing D&D. The origins of the types is a fantasy game, but they can be successfully applied in real life. Actually, the basis for the chart is the characters of humans analyzed and divided into categories. 

Obviously, for the purpose of making this Alignment test shorter and yet effective, I’ve chosen the smaller chart to dive deeper into all its aspects. If you are unfamiliar with the alignment concept and how it is characterized, I’ll share the most important criteria used in the test! 

Basic Alignment Criteria 

Good VS Evil 

what alignment am i
This distinction is as old as time. Everything in our lives is divided this way. Every person, every act, every decision, and so on can be viewed from the point of evil versus good. The dichotomy of our life on Earth is the basic rule we all accept. Who knows, maybe there are dimensions where this concept is non-existent. But, for us, it’s the basic template when judging everything around us. 

Of course, in the 21st century, most people live with three paths: good, evil, and the grey spectrum. Most people understand that Light VS Dark is the fight of extremes. Everything in-between, which is all sorts of grey, describes our lives better. None of us is 100% good or evil. The concept of Yin and Yang describes the duality the best. Light and Dark are complementary, connected, and interdependent. 

This alignment quiz uses the distinction of good, neutral, and evil in multiple questions to determine the overall tendency based on the general percentages. 

Law VS Chaos 

moral alignment test
Law and Chaos are two things related to the universe. But in this chart, the law represents a person who follows the rules, tells the truth, and honors the governing system. On the other hand, a chaotic person resents the laws and authority, prefers freedom (possibly even anarchistic), they follow only their conscience. 

Yet again, between them is a neutral person who sees all the ups and downs of laws and is highly adaptable. They know that the system is hardly perfect, but it works. Such a person will follow laws, but not to the point where they harm their family or themselves. 

This is the primary distinction of this alignment chart. The advanced version goes deeper into the wide range between the extremes. 

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About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!