What Is Your Type of Men? Find Your Match!

By: Denis Priesnov
Created: 9 months ago
 Are you attracted to certain men types? We all know the saying “I have a type,” but what exactly does it mean? In most cases, it certainly surpasses just the typical hair color preferences. It is more about the core behavior features. So, can you confidently say that you have a type? If you are still unsure, we can offer you an answer to the question! This men type quiz will analyze your preferences and subconscious choices to determine which of the universal archetypes of males you tend to choose. But how about learning more about each type in advance to try and predict your probable result? Let’s try this. 

Types of Men

type in men quiz
Yes, these archetypes are not the only ones possible, but they are the prevailing majority or sure! 

The Bad Boy

 Okay, this one is quite obvious. Women are famous for having a weak spot for “bad boys.” But let’s not confuse them with abusers and sort of murderous criminals. If a woman needs her man to be THE MAN, it only means an alpha personality, confidence (sometimes with an ego too large to grasp), and charisma. Then, of course, to support the “bad boy” image, they need to be rough around the edge and have slight disregard towards all others (except for his woman, of course) 

A Nice Guy

 Unfortunately, this archetype of men is less prevalent in works of fiction compared to the previous type but is well-respected in real life. A nice guy is a perfect friend but doesn’t get too deep to get into the friend zone area. A nice guy is definitely less extroverted than the bad boy but is not obligatory the biggest introvert, though they lean to this side. A nice guy is arguably a more secure and calm option for the long run. But they can and do bring lots of light positive memories to your life. 

Laidback Jokester

 Some women prefer to have a constant comedy show in their lives. And this is where the jokester comes in! He swoops the lady off her feet with clever jokes and a radiant personality. He is always the heart of a group and enjoys attention. This man is laidback and nowhere as intense as the bad boy. This type is a bit immature, as expected. 

A Sensitive Soul

 Unexpectedly, this archetype of males thrives from female attention due to his “wounded heart.” He is a closed introvert who doesn’t let anyone in his heart because of past wounds. And this is where a woman wants “to heal” and to become the first one to enter a man’s heart. He is definitely a romantic at heart but hides his feelings, not wanting to be hurt. Such a man will be the emotional support in the long run but may lack initiative and ambition.   
type in men quiz
So, do you already know which one of these four types is your usual preference? And I’m speaking about genuine relationships, not about choosing a compelling fictional character to fall in love with! Place your bets and start a Male Type test to see how well you know yourself. You may also like: What Is Wrong With Me

What Is Your Type of Men? Find Your Match! Questions

men type quiz Are you an adventurer?
  • the biggest, I spend my free time actively

  • I like a decent adventure, but only sometimes

  • only if it's something relatively safe

  • no, not at all

men type quiz If a man is always "hot and cold" and you are a bit confused, does it turn you off?
  • what? it turn me on!

  • yes, I prefer to know exactly where he stands

men type quiz Do you need your man to be physically strong?
  • no, not necessarily 

  • yes 

men type quiz Are you more into intelligent men?
  • finally, that's my type 

  • no, I prefer brawn over brain 

  • I just need a man not to be an idiot 

men type quiz Does age matter to you?
  • no, that's only a number 

  • yes, the difference shoould be minimal 

  • just be reasonable, no minors or 70+ seniors 

men type quiz Choose which one you need more from your partner: emotional support or problem-solving qualities?
  • emotional support

  • problem-solving 

men type quiz What is your level of maturity?
  • I'm still immature 

  • I am too but need a sensible man to balance me

  • I am mature

  • I am too mature

men type quiz Imagine that boyfriend has gone MIA for two days...
  • that bastard! 

  • I'm sure he'll return and explain 

  • he is a grown-up man, he does what he likes; he'll be back

  • my godness! what if something happened to him? 

men type quiz If your boyfriend is rude to others...
  • it's okay; he's not rude with me

  • we'll have a talk!

  • he is not boyfriend anymore

men type quiz To do tend to fall for villains more often in fictional stories?
  • always!

  • yes, definitely more often

  • not often, just sometimes

  • not at all

men type quiz How important is sense of humor to you?
  • very important, my man should be funny 

  • pretty important, I'd like to laught with him 

  • hm, not the deciding factor but will be appreciated 

  • not important at all

men type quiz Do you thin that building a marriage with a caring nice guy is preferable?
  • yes, I'd want a nice guy who appreciates me (maybe even a bit nerdy))

  • may be not as thrilling but so is real life

  • yes, I guess that would be nice

  • no, so boring!

men type quiz If your boyfriend is not romantic..?
  • he is not my boyfriend

  • that would be an issue

  • I'd like a bit of romance, will probably ask to surprise me more

  • that's okay, it doesn't really matter

men type quiz Will you work out with him?
  • yes! couples' goals! 

  • hmm, maybe? idk 

  • no, ew

men type quiz If a man is too much of a clown?
  • nah, I don't like him 

  • that depends on his other qualities 

  • yes, that's what I need 

men type quiz Is it important for you for the man to be empathetic?
  • yes, very important

  • it won't hurt

  • not really

men type quiz Okay, let's be frank: a bad boy or a nice guy?
  • bad boy 

  • nice guy 

men type quiz Thor or Loki?
  • Thor

  • Loki

men type quiz You'd prefer your partner to be
  • extroverted

  • introverted

men type quiz What clothes style do you prefer on a man?
  • smart casual 

  • casual

  • sporty

  • something well-fitting, dark, and leather 

About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!