Am I The Difficult Person?

Do you expect people to follow your request immediately?

difficult person test

Are you good at listening to people?

difficult person test
yes, I'm the best listener
hm, yes but not always
not really, I'm more of a talker

Do you often feel alone?

difficult person test
yes, very often
pretty often

Do you like people in general?

difficult person test
no, they are awful
they are okay I guess
yes, I like them as a whole

Do you friends even hang you without you and lie to you about it?

difficult person test

Is your opinion always the right one?

difficult person test
yes, always
most of the time
nah, I can be wrong

Do you think people find you intimidating?

difficult person test
yes, I know they do
I suspect so
no, I'm not intimidating

How often do you flatter?

difficult person test
on occasion

Do you often give people free advice?

difficult person test
yes, I'm an expert
not really
only when somebody asks me

Do you believe that some situation can only be solved physically?

difficult person test
only in self-defense

Now, be honest, are you a clingy person?

difficult person test
just a bit

When somebody nearby cries, what do you feel?

difficult person test
I'm confused, don't know what to do
I'm irritated, stop it
I feel sad, want to help

How often do you complain?

difficult person test
very often
on occasion
rarely aloud

Do you think people whisper behind your back?

difficult person test
I know they do!

Would you like to be a ruling monarch? Just imagine

difficult person test
yes! yes! yes!
I'm not sure; maybe
only if I had no choice
no, I wouldn't want such responsibility

Do you like competition?

difficult person test
yes, I always play to win
just a healthy dose is competition is okay
no, I don't like competition usually

Are you the "gossip girl"? (you know it really doesn't have to be female)

difficult person test
yes, the biggest
I don't start but I can support the conversation
no, I don't like gossiping

Would you like your enemies to get humiliated?

difficult person test
no, even they don't deserve it
just a tiny bit (hehe)
yes, they should suffer
I don't have enemies though

Do you easily trust people?

difficult person test
no, I have the hardest time trusting people
it take a long time but I do trust my few close ones
it takes about an average amount of time for me
I trust easily

Imagine: you see your friend's partner cheating, how will you react?

difficult person test
rush to them and make a scandal
call them or meet somewhere afetrwards and have a word
call your friend and tell everything
stay silent, it's not your problem

Do you criticize people often?

difficult person test

Do you work better in a group or alone?

difficult person test
with people

Are you a hot headed person?

difficult person test

A strange question: would you like to be your own friend?

difficult person test
probably yes
yes, I'm a good friend
no way, I'm a terrible friedn tbh 

About Denis

Denis Priesnov

Denis is a maestro of amusement, curating delightful quizzes and trivia. With a knack for crafting engaging questions, Denis brings laughter and learning together seamlessly. From casual get-togethers to lively events, Denis's quizzes promise an entertaining and educational experience for all. Join in for a fun-filled adventure!